Quiz Of the Day

1.  With reference to “Convalescent plasma strategy”, to treat COVID-19 patients which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) In this, the blood-derived from patients recovered from COVID-19 is used to fight the virus on the assumption that their body contains antibodies to cure infected patients
2) This blood from recovered patients containing the COVID-19 antibodies is referred to as convalescent plasma

     1 Only
     2 Only
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

2.  “Pachoti”, is traditional folk festival of which of the below mentioned state:


3.  Which of the below mentioned are the examples of Shadow Puppet Theatre:
1) Chamadyacha Bahulya in Maharashtra
2) Tolu Bommalatta in Andhra Pradesh
3) Togalu Gombeyatta in Karnataka
4) Tolu Bommalattam in Tamil Nadu

     1 and 3 Only
     2 and 4 Only
     1, 2 and 3 Only
     All of the above

4.  With reference to Draft Electricity Act(Amendment) Bill 2020 which of the below mentioned statements are correct:

1) A Central Enforcement Authority headed by a retired Judge of the Supreme court to be set-up with powers of the Civil Court to enforce performance of contracts related to purchase or sale or transmission of power 2) Empower Load Dispatch Centres to oversee the establishment of adequate payment security mechanisms before scheduling dispatch of electricity, as per contracts.

     1 Only
     2 and 3 Only
     Both 1 and 3
     Neither 1 nor 2

5.  With reference to “Organization of Islamic Cooperation”, which of the below mentioned statements is/are correct:
1) It is the second largest intergovernmental organization in the world.
2) India is a member of OIC

     1 and 2 Only
     2 and 3 Only
     3 Only
     All of the above