Quiz Of the Day

1.  The Aichi Biodiversity Target was recently in the news, it focuses on:
1) Genetic diversity of plants
2) Farm livestock
3) Wild relatives

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     All of the Above

2.  Which of the below mentioned ministry has brought out the school ‘nutrition garden’ guidelines:

     Ministry of Agriculture
     Ministry of youth and Sports
     Ministry of Education
     Ministry of Human Resources Development

3.  Which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) Code for Responsible Lending (CRL) is a self-regulatory step for the micro-credit industry.
2) It was launched by RBI to regulate the lending mechanism in MSME sectors.

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

4.  With reference to East Coast Economic Corridor (ECEC), which of the below mentioned is/are not correct:
1) East Coast Economic Corridor (ECEC) is India s first coastal economic corridor developed with the help of World Bank.
2) It passes through the West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu connecting Kolkata and Kanyakumari.

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

5.  Which of the below mentioned places are part of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems in India:
1) Assam
2) Kashmir
3) Varkala
4) Koraput

     1 and 3 Only
     2 and 4 Only
     1 and 2 Only
     All of the above