Quiz Of the Day

1.  With reference to Bougainville which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) Bougainville is set to become the newest nation and to be independent of Papua New Guinea.
2) It is a small country in the Solomon Sea.

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

2.  Which among the below mentioned are examples of technical textile:
1) Sanitary pads
2) Parachute balloon
3) Airbags

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     All of the Above

3.  With reference to Disha bill 2019, which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) Disha Bill, 2019 will be implemented pan India which ensures rape verdicts in 21 days
2) It will be dealing with offences against women and children, including rape and gang-rape, acid attacks, stalking, voyeurism, sexual harassment and cases under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

4.  With reference to Citizenship Amendment bill 2019, which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) It amends the Citizenship Act 1955, to make illegal migrants of Afghanistan, UAE, Pakistan and Bangladesh eligible for Indian citizenship
2) The communities are Sikh, Buddhist, Christian and Parsis

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

5.  With reference to Neutral countries which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) In International law, a neutral country is a sovereign state that abstains from all participation in a war between other states
2) Costa Rica, Austria are considered as Neutral states

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2