Quiz Of the Day

1.  With reference to “landlord port model” which of the below mentioned statements are correct: 1) In the landlord port model, the private governed port authority acts as a regulatory body and as a landlord while public companies carry out port operations—mainly cargo-handling activities 2) The landlord port receives the entire profit margin and a part of it is given to those who maintains it .

     1 Only
     2 Only
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

2.  Which of the below mentioned country has imposed sustainable development fee, to help the government deal with burgeoning numbers in tourist traffic

     Sri Lanka

3.  With reference to "Anganwadi", which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) Anganwadis or day-care centres are set up under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) by the Ministry of urban and rural development
2) The aim of the scheme is to reduce infant mortality and child malnutrition where Beneficiaries include children in the age group of six months to six years

     1 Only
     2 Only
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

4.  Global misery index which was recently in the news, is based on which of the below mentioned parameters:
1) unemployment rate
2) inflation rate
3) lending rate
4) GDP

     1, 2 and 4 Only
     1,3 and 4 Only
     1,2 and 3 Only
     All of the above

5.  With reference to recent report by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), which of the below mentioned statements are correct:
1) The highest number of women and children who go missing in the country are from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
2) West Bengal is the safest city with respect to Women and children

     1 Only
     2 Only
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2