Quiz Of the Day

1.  "Chinnar wildlife sanctuary" was recently in the news, belongs to which of the below mentioned state: .

     Tamil Nadu

2.  Which of the below mentioned are type of butterflies:
1) Silver forget me not
2) Common three ring
3) Brown Onyx
4) Anura

     1 and 4 Only
     1,2,and 3Only
     2, 3 and 4 Only
     All of the above

3.  Recently, Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA) was in the news, which of the below mentioned statements are correct in its respect:
1) It is a government organization composed mainly of central banks to provide agricultural credit rural development
2) Its headquarters is in Bangkok, works with the aim To utilize the effective model of SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP) for poverty alleviation/ women empowerment

     Only 1
     Only 2
     Both 1 and 2
     Neither 1 nor 2

4.  Dadhichi Dehdan Committee is for:

     Organ donation
     Agriculture credit
     Respiratory ailments
     Non Performing Assets

5.  Which was the first Act to mandate Social Audits by the Gram Sabha of all the projects taken up in the Gram Panchayat:
